Why does the Polyvagal system love Shaking?

Woman shakes off stress, doing TRE Tension Release Exercises

Trauma Release Exercises, or TRE, is an awesome technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to release the physical and emotional effects of trauma.

Developed by Dr. David Berceli in the late 1990s, TRE is based on the idea that the body has a natural ability to release tension and trauma through specific exercises that activate a muscle group called the psoas.

Ofcourse the origins of Shaking off stress goes way back before humans walked this earth. Animals have always been shaking off stress to find homeostasis in their system, allowing them to continue thriving even after constant life and death situations that would understandably traumatise a human nowadays.

But the origins of TRE can be traced back to Dr. Berceli's work as a trauma therapist in war-torn regions of Africa. He observed that the local populations seemed to have a natural ability to release tension and trauma through shaking and trembling, which he later realized was the activation of the psoas muscle. Dr. Berceli developed TRE to replicate this process in a controlled and safe environment, allowing individuals to release the physical and emotional effects of trauma in a more efficient and effective way.

One of the key benefits of TRE is its positive impact on the polyvagal system. The polyvagal system is a complex network of nerves that controls the body's response to stress and trauma. When the body is under stress, the polyvagal system activates the "fight or flight" response, which increases heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. However, when the body is relaxed and safe, the polyvagal system activates the "rest and digest" response, which promotes relaxation and healing.

TRE has been shown to activate the “rest and digest” response, allowing the body to release tension and trauma, and promoting relaxation and healing. This can help individuals who suffer from conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression, as well as those who have experienced trauma in their past.

The exercises used in TRE are simple and easy to learn, and can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels. The technique involves a series of seven exercises, including gentle stretches and breathing techniques, which are designed to activate the psoas muscle and release tension and trauma. The exercises can be done in a group or individual setting, and are typically guided by a certified TRE practitioner.

In addition to its positive effects on the polyvagal system, TRE has been shown to have a number of other benefits, including:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Improving sleep

  • Reducing muscle tension and pain

  • Improving flexibility and range of motion

  • Improving emotional well-being

TRE is a safe and effective technique that can help individuals release the physical and emotional effects of trauma, and promote relaxation and healing. If you are interested in trying TRE, it is important to work with a certified practitioner who can guide you through the process and ensure that you are doing the exercises safely and effectively.

In conclusion, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) is an innovative technique that has been developed to help individuals release the physical and emotional effects of trauma in a safe and efficient way. This technique is based on the idea that the body has a natural ability to release tension and trauma through specific exercises that activate a muscle group called the psoas. TRE has been shown to activate the "rest and digest" response, allowing the body to release tension and trauma, and promoting relaxation and healing. This can help individuals who suffer from conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression, as well as those who have experienced trauma in their past. With the guidance of a certified practitioner, TRE can be a powerful tool for promoting physical and emotional well-being.

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